Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

State Champs BABY!

Yesterday well actually two days ago my amazing track team and I won the division two team state championship! It was soooo cool considering we moved up a division from last year! Because we won this we get escorted into town, this is pretty cool considering they stop all traffic through our on traffic light. They do this because we stop the bus there all get out and kiss the ground and sing our fight song, it is amazing!! I have got to do this three times and each time i have felt like such a big deal haha. It is cool winning something like that with a team, it's cool being about of something that is bigger than yourself.

One the bus ride home i was listening to my ipod and the song "you're gonna miss this came on." This just made me a little teary eyed for a second because (but that was really only for a second because it was at the part of the movie where hott black guys had there shirt off so i got happy fast) i am truly going to miss the track team. I was extremely lucky no scratch that, extremely blessed that i was able to be on the Williamston track team this year. The girls i got to hangout with everyday after school and on Saturdays are such great people. I hope next year when i come back to visit they are going to be as happy to see me as i am going to be to see them.

God really did hook me up with such wonderful teammates this year, who turned into awesome friends.

Man i love Jesus!

Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm all registered!

I went to my freshman orientation today, it actually was really fun! I felt like i laughed a lot and i love to laugh!! I am officially a cougar!

One part of the day we had stations we had to go to and one was about chapel. The chapel dean i think is what he was asked us one question and one question only. He asked back in the bible days why did people believe in Jesus. Thinking thats an easy question but then he added this, people we martyred and there children skinned alive if they were found out to be a believer of Jesus. Well it is safe to say i was stumped, everyone was quiet then he said something that gave me chills. He said "they believed in the Jesus because the tomb was empty, it's as simple as that."

Then it really hit me when he ask do you base you relationship with Jesus on you experiences or just your faith and love. He said too many people base it off there experiences and what they do with and for Jesus. He said never base it off that base it off your love and faith and i think that is awesome!!

I love Jesus and can not WAIT for college next year, big things are going to happen to my life and faith!!! I am ready to grow with Jesus!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am on the Williamston Girls track team and i think there about 45 girls on the team. Sometimes i just look around and i see all the girls i think how cool it is that i can love all of them. I think as people we focus on how great it is to feel loved, when in all reality it is but, i think that it is also a great feeling to love on others.

I love my savior, i love my friends, i love my family, i love my life :)
and hey if you are reading this love you too!

I love that Jesus taught us this in ultimate way for dieing for us on the cross for our sins. I love the word love and i used it a lot in this blog.

We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why hello there...

So I decided to try out this blog thing, i am still trying to figure out if i have anything legit to say. I love that word legit it is soo great, ok let me try this blogging thing for real.

Today was my last Monday in high school ever!!! It is so exciting i am ready to be out of Williamston High school it is not even funny. In the same sense with the end of high school brings the end of a lot of things, a lot of things that i don't want to end. It is kinda a love hate kinda thing, but that is life. I am so excited to see what life will bring, the joys and the sorrows, my only hope is that it makes me stronger and closer with my Lord and Savior.

Life is so great isn't it?

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14