Thursday, October 23, 2008

gotta shake this mood...

Lately i have been finding myself in these weird moods where i cant explain my feelings and emotions. A lot of times it is after bball (surprise surprise). I guess i am trying really hard to be alright with not having a stinkin clue with where i am going to end up in the future. It is honestly a scary thought to me not haivng a stinkin idea where i am going to end up and what i am going to do. I know God has big plans for all of us but I suck and am totally freaked out about it. I am honeslty so frustrated with college, not because i dont like it here its just that hate my classes! Gen eds suck! Thats not really the point though, i just want to be out in the world.

blah blah blah

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Have you ever had a defining moment where everything at that moment made so much sense?!?!
Like God slapped you in the face with the holy spirt haha (sorry inside joke)

Welll obviously I have and the funny thing is, is that i didnt know how defining it was to recently. I love how God keeps reminding of this memory and is using this random experience in big ways..he is LE-GIT like that.